My son, Matt, needs a bone marrow transplant.  If you or anyone you know will consider being tested as a possible donor, please see this site, and you can find where to be tested.  He is biracial, and we know that African Americans have a much lower likelihood of finding a match.  Please reach out to those you know.

What I should add:  You are not entering specifically to be Matt’s match, but joining the registry does increase his chances. When you register you are making a commitment to donate to anyone if you are found to be a match.  Your name will stay in the registry until you are 61, though you can remove it at any time.

Thank you.

4 thoughts on “

  1. Chuck and Ronnie/Cowan Levitt

    Sharon: For those 18-44, do you know if there is a fee? I want to encourage people to sign up but would like the information. From the website, I think there is no fee, but couldn’t be sure…

    Ronnie >

    1. sdobie Post author

      You know what I know. They used to charge the $100 for whites and not for other racial and ethnic groups. It now looks like it is a requested donation, but I do not know, nor if there is local variation around the country. Best is for anyone interested in considering to call their blood bank and ask.

    1. sdobie Post author

      thank you. flyers attached for two registration events. UW another likely, but others will have to handle the hoops to jump through.


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